Dock Member Series: SUPPLY Victoria


SUPPLY Victoria first joined theDock as one of the recipients of our Community Bursary and has since joined our dockHand program, developing innovative programming for our members.

SUPPLY’s mission is to divert materials from the landfill, supply artists, teachers, and students with materials, teach creative reuse education, and craft a more sustainable, inclusive, and creative Victoria. We chatted with founder and lead instructor, Ashley Howe, about their experience during the ongoing pandemic and what is next for SUPPLY.

1. How long have you been a Dock member? What attracted you to theDock?
Me and my nonprofit have dropped anchor at theDock since November 2020. Prior to that, I was coming in monthly for most of 2019 for “Project Zero,” a zero waste social enterprise incubator. I was drawn to this co-working space because of their social-impact focus. I knew I wanted to connect with others fighting for environmental and social justice.

2. Introduce your organization in a few sentences – what do you do, what’s your purpose?
SUPPLY is a nonprofit dedicated to diverting materials from the landfill and putting them into the hands of artists, students, and teachers. We do that by redistributing used art supplies and offering creative reuse workshops. Our vision is to craft a more sustainable Victoria!

3. What is your favourite part about working for your organization?
I love combining my passion for art and sustainability. I always want to be more self-sufficient and lessen my environmental footprint, so SUPPLY provides a way for me to find fun and creative ways to do that and share it with others.

4. How has Covid impacted your organization? Any surprising challenges and wins along the way?
COVID interfered with plans to launch a storefront to provide access to creative reuse supplies and workshops. Instead, I focused on learning how to engage people online, host physically-distanced events, and find ways to meet the needs of artists, students, and teachers that made sense given the current situation.

5. How did you adapt this past year?

After COVID hit in the Spring, we quickly pivoted to offer online workshops with kits and now we are happy to be hosting in-person, outdoor workshops with our community partners.

6. What is your team most excited for in 2021?
We are launching a new program called Creative Reuse in the Classroom to support stressed-out and under-resourced teachers with free workshops and kits for their kids. If you know any teachers, please share this resource with them! We are also hosting weekly Scrappy Outdoor Crafternoons at Oaklands Community Centre all summer where folks of all ages can upcycle waste materials into things like baskets, rugs, and dish scrubbies. We are currently seeking space to provide greater access to materials for the community and divert even more supplies from the landfill.

Want to learn more about SUPPLY Victoria?
Check out their website or follow them on Instagram.

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